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because women with regular periods would not be ovulating yet therefore there would be no egg for the sperm to fertilize

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Q: Why is it unlikely to get pregnant a day after ending your period?
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it is very unlikely. =]

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It's very unlikely you will get pregnant on the second say after your period starts.

Can you get pregnant using a condom the day after your period ends?

Doubly unlikely.

You had intercourse a day before your period could you be pregnant?

It is possible, but extremely unlikely.

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If she was pregnant it would be highly unlikely for her to get her period, however if she wasn't pregnant she should still get her period like normal.

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If your period comes, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

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Can I be pregnant when intercourse occurred on the last day of your period?

This is unlikely, although it could be possible depending on when you ovulated.

Sex the day after my period but pill taken late that day could i be pregnant?

Unlikely, considering that you won't have any egg cells that are mature enough yet.

Can yo get pregnant a day after your period?

Yes you can get pregnant the day after your period but it is not a high chance that you will.yes

Would I still get pregnant the day after my period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant anytime of the month. Just because it is the day after your period does not mean you can't get pregnant, you can get pregnant on your period as well.

Can you feel the next day after you get pregnant?

It's pretty unlikely.