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Because h2o has a high shc and loses heat slowly compared to land which has a low shc and loses the heat it would have gained during the day

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Q: Why is it warmer on bodies of water during night time than on land?
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Why deserts are very hot in day time but very cold in night?

Earth or ground heats up and cools off more rapidly than water. Large bodies of water act as a heat sink. Areas near a coast are cooled during the day by breezes from the water and are kept warmer at night from the heat coming off the water at night. Desert temperatures have a greater variation between night and day because there is no ocean or sea nearby to moderate the temperatures.

Where is there less water vapor in the air than over large bodies of water?

The air flow during the summer flows down instead of up causing the water to be warmer. during the winter it flows up causing a breeze to cross the water making it cooler

Why does the wind blow from sea to land at night?

Because in general the sea is warmer than the land during the night.

How do large bodies of water affect the climate of coastal areas?

Ocean currents carry warmer water from the tropics into colder regions. The heat from that warmer water escapes into the atmosphere as it creates warmer, rainier weather than might otherwise be expected.

Why does a pond water seem warmer at night?

Two reasons: 1 - Convection (the warmer, lower density water stays on top) 2 - The sun - solar radiation heats the surface of the water and is absorbed, so it cannot penetrate deeper

What wind will occur when the air over the land is warmer than the air over the water?

at night the air over the water is warmer than the air over the land

Why are bodies of water sometimes warmer than the temperature on land?

Water is slower to absorb and release heat than the surrounding area. That is why water is typically cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. A lot of this also depends on the geogrpahy of the area.

Do many people live around the US body of water?

Many bodies of water exist in the United States -- from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, to the Great Lakes, to the thousands of smaller fresh water inland lakes. As a popular vacation destination, the larger bodies of water often have many residents nearby, ready to enjoy the water and all it offers -- especially during the warmer months.

How does oxygen level vary in different bodies of water?

The oxygen level varies in different bodies of water because some bodies of water are warmer than others therefore,.. the more hot the less oxygen because the particles will begin to die as the water gets hotter but this is how it becomes a compressed gas ...

Is there a fear of large bodies of water at night?

Hydroamplusnoctophobia. (root latin)

What effect do large bodies of water have on climate?

The effects large bodies of water have on climate can range from the creation of warm, tropical climes to cold, barren ones. Large bodies of water take longer to heat up, making their surrounding areas tend to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Why does see breezes occur during day but not night?

Sea breezes occur during hot, summer days because of the unequal heating rates of land and water. During the day, the land surface heats up faster than the water surface. Therefore, the air above the land is warmer than the air above the ocean. Now, recall that warmer air is lighter than cooler air.