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Jack becomes more concerned with hunting because he believes that providing food is a more immediate and tangible way to contribute to the group's survival. Hunting also satisfies his desire for power and control, whereas maintaining the fire feels less exciting and rewarding to him.

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Q: Why is jack more concered about hunting than maintaining the fire?
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Why didn't jack have some boys stay with the fire during his hunt?

Jack prioritized hunting over keeping the fire going because he was focused on providing meat for the group. He believed that hunting was essential for their survival and that the fire could be easily restarted if needed. Additionally, Jack was more interested in the immediate gratification of hunting rather than the long-term benefits of maintaining the fire.

What does Ralph complain to jack about how does jack defend thefact that he spends his days hunting instead of helping the others?

Ralph complains to Jack that he and the hunters prioritize hunting over building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Jack defends his hunting activities by arguing that they need food and asserting that they are also trying to keep the signal fire going, but often get caught up in the excitement of hunting.

Who decided to move the fire in lord of the flies?

Jack and his tribe of hunters were responsible for moving the fire in "Lord of the Flies" as they prioritized hunting and their own desires over maintaining the signal fire for rescue.

Why is jack so unconcerned about letting the Fire go out?

Jack may be unconcerned about letting the fire go out because he is more focused on hunting and exerting power and control over the group rather than maintaining the fire for practical purposes. Additionally, Jack's increasing descent into savagery and obsession with hunting and violence may have diminished his sense of responsibility towards the common good of the group.

What is Ralph angry about sees the ship?

It was Jack's job to maintain the fire, but he was hunting instead. Ralph is mad because while Jack was hunting the fire went out and a ship went by. If Jack had maintained the fire they might have been rescued.

What is the quote that Ralph and Jack's leadership battle chapter 7?

In Chapter 7, Ralph and Jack's leadership battle intensifies as they argue over the importance of maintaining the signal fire versus hunting for food. Jack wants to prioritize hunting, while Ralph insists on keeping the fire burning to signal for rescue. This chapter highlights the growing tension and power struggle between the two boys as they grapple with conflicting priorities.

Did the signal fire go out because Jack and the hunters neglected it?

Yes, the signal fire went out because Jack and the hunters neglected it in order to go hunting. Their primary focus was on the hunt, rather than on maintaining the fire for signaling passing ships.

in lord of the flies what foolish decision does jack make during the hunt and why is it foolish?

Jack makes the foolish decision to let the signal fire go out while hunting instead of maintaining it to signal passing ships. This decision is foolish because it shows his prioritization of hunting and power over the group's safety and chances of being rescued.

Why doesn't jack group worry about a signal fire?

Jack's group becomes more focused on hunting and asserting power rather than maintaining a signal fire due to their desire for instant gratification, power, and control. They prioritize their immediate needs and dominance on the island over the long-term goal of being rescued.

How does Ralph feel about Jack's compulsion in chapter 3?

In chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is frustrated and concerned about Jack's obsession with hunting rather than focusing on building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Ralph sees it as a distraction from the group's collective goal of being rescued.

Where was Jack and his choir when Ralph spotted the smoke from the ship?

Jack and his choir were at the top of the mountain when Ralph spotted the smoke from the ship. They were supposed to be tending the fire, which they let go out while they were hunting.

Why does jack say hunting is the most important thing to do instead of keeping the fire burning in lord of the flies?

the fire will go out and can not cook !