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Joe is unforgiving to Janie before he dies because he feels emasculated by her newfound independence and self-assurance, which threatens his sense of control and power in their relationship. Additionally, Joe's jealousy and pride prevent him from accepting Janie's autonomy and lead him to mistreat her.

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Q: Why is joe unforgiving to Janie before he dies?
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How do joe and janie react to the town?

Joe and Janie react differently to the town. Janie is curious and eager to explore and understand the community, while Joe is more concerned with establishing his position and power within it. Janie is more open-minded and adaptable, while Joe is focused on control and social status.

What happened to Joe and Janie's relationship during the seventh year of their marriage?

joe dieds and then janie is finaly happy with her life

Where is joe starks when he stops at janie's for a drink?

Joe Starks is at the store when he stops at Janie's for a drink.

How does joe treat janie?

Joe treats Janie with control and possessiveness, often limiting her freedom and independence. He views her as an object to be kept in line rather than as an equal partner.

Who is Teacake and Janie?

teacake is the second man that janie marries, after joe dies. she meets him when she was about to close up on the store that she owns. they meet, he teaches he things she did not even know, and janie is the person that is attractive to everyone, when her hair is the down. she is the main character. =] Actually, he is the third (Logan, Joe, Tea Cake). She wasn't going to close the store until after she met him, she was doing it on a whim to be with him wherever he goes. With him she finally, truly lives, learning in the process. Janie always was the main character.

In the book their eyes were watching god why is it significant that joe does not speak in rhymes with janie?

Joe's inability to speak in rhymes with Janie symbolizes the disconnect in their relationship. It highlights the lack of emotional connection and understanding between them, as well as Joe's domineering and condescending attitude towards Janie. It also serves to emphasize the power dynamics in their marriage, with Joe always positioning himself as superior to Janie.

Are Jody and Joe the same person in 'Their Eyes Were Watching God'?

No, Jody and Joe are two different characters in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston. Jody is short for Joe Starks, who becomes Janie's second husband in the story.

How does Joe become a big man in Janie's eyes in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Joe becomes a big man in Janie's eyes by being wealthy, powerful, and respected in the community. He also takes care of Janie materially and positions her as the "mayor's wife," which boosts her social status. However, their relationship becomes strained due to Joe's controlling and oppressive behavior.

What did janie do shortly after she met joe starks?

Janie married Joe Starks shortly after they met. She saw him as an opportunity for a better life and a chance to escape the monotony of her current situation.

How many years was janie married to joe in their eyes were watching God?

Janie was married to Joe for 20 years in "Their Eyes Were Watching God."

What was the real reason behind the argument between Joe and Janie that started when she incorrectly cut the plug of tobacco?

Joe realized he wasn't as young as he used to be. He started picking on Janie because of his fear about his own aging.