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Because of sameness

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Q: Why is jonasas community black and white in the story the giver?
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Related questions

What is the expostion in the story The Giver?

takes place in a community thst is based on sameness and ignorance.

Who is the most important elder in The Giver?

The most important elder in "The Giver" is the Receiver of Memory, who at the time of the story is the character known as The Giver. He holds the memories of the past and advises the community's leaders.

Do people in the giver have last names?

No, people in "The Giver" do not have last names. In the community where the story takes place, individuals are only referred to by their given names. The absence of last names highlights the emphasis on conformity and uniformity in the community.

Who was number 18 in the giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Number 18 is Fiona. She is a character who works at the Department of Justice in the community and plays a significant role in the story as a friend to Jonas.

What type of landforms are the community in the book the giver?

The community in the book "The Giver" is portrayed as a highly controlled and regulated society. The landforms in the story are not specifically described, but the community is depicted as having a climate-controlled environment with strict regulations on the landscape to maintain uniformity and reduce differences among its citizens.

The giver What story does asher tells Jonas?

he tells a story about a man who jumped into a river and swam to a different community

Why did Roberto not get a murmur of replacement ceremony in the giver?

Roberto did not receive a replacement ceremony in "The Giver" because he failed in his training as a Nurturer and was released from the community instead. In the story, a replacement ceremony is only held when a citizen dies or is released from the community, but not specifically for those who fail in their assignments.

What does the word receiver mean in the book The Giver by Lois Lowery?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the Receiver is an individual chosen by the community to receive memories of the past. In the story, Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory and gains knowledge of the true history of the community, including both the joys and pains that have been eradicated from society.

When does the loudspeaker talk in The Giver?

The loudspeaker in The Giver is used as a means of communication in the community. It is used to make announcements and share messages with the residents. It does not have a speaking role or communicate like a character in the story.

What is the setting and short description of where and when the story takes place in the book the giver?

"The Giver" by Lois Lowry is set in a dystopian society where emotions are suppressed and individuality is sacrificed for the sake of conformity. The story takes place in a community that seems utopian on the surface but hides dark truths beneath its facade.

What is the time and place in The Giver?

"The Giver" takes place in a future society that is set in an unspecified time, and in a community where differences and emotions are suppressed. The story centers around a young boy named Jonas who is chosen to receive memories from the Receiver of Memory, known as the Giver.

What are some subplots of The Giver?

the relationship between fiona and asher