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he is an Echidna. but maybe that's not the reason but if someone has a beater idea I would love to read it.

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Q: Why is knuckle's hair down all the time?
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Do you have to wear your hair down for much if you want to be a scene?

Yes, all the time

Does cracking your knuckles annoy people?

if you crack them all the time, then yes

How do you turn to hyper knuckles on sonic and knuckles?

just collect all of the super emeralds with knuckles

Who is stronger sonic or knuckles?

clearly knucles. He can punch through almost anyting. On episode 5 part 2 of sonic x he punched almost all the trees down. And in episode 76 he hel'ed shadow in place willel spining. So that proves it knucles is stronger

How do you go super knuckles in sonic and knuckles?

Try getting all the chaos emeralds.

Is it normal for girls to grow knuckle hair?

Absolutely, almost all of the body has hair growing on it at some place or another. The amount of hair depends solely on the amount of hormone in the particular person, so I would say its normal for a girl to have hair on their knuckles, but he amount of hair would determine what "normal" would be.

Does your hair have to be all even for it to grow?

No it doesn't,my hair isn't even on both sides,I just got it cut recently so that I could wear it down all the time, because it was breaking off from me wearing it up a lot,but my hair is growing a lot

Do people damage there knuckles when they crack them?

Yes and no. It doesn't really do anything now. In fact, it fells pretty good. But when you get older, you have a bigger chance of arthritis. I crack my knuckles all the time and i should really stop.

In sonic and knuckles for the xbox can you play sonic 3 and knuckles with the super emeralds and all the extras?

Yes,but on the sonic & knuckles side,not sonic 3 side

What type of hair style did Abraham Lincoln have?

What he often had was crazy hair because of his hat all the time. But when he took a picture, he'd part it to the side that came down to the ears in the back.

Can hair be regrown naturally?

Hair grows all the time.

Why did girls in the colonial time cover their hair all the time?

they were afraid of there hair.they hated there hair.