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Q: Why is latin the basis for many scientific names?
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What language was chosen for scientific names?

I think it is Latin. Most names in Taxonomy and many other scientific names are Latin. There are quite a few exceptions such as the names of elements and laws/equipment that were named after the people who discovered or invented them.

What language is scientific names written in?

Scientific names of all living creatures are in Latin. Occasionally a Greek word will be used, or a "latinized" word will be created if none exists. An example of this is the scientific name for a particular owl mite, named "Strigophilus garylarsonii,'' apparently named after the creator of the "Far Side" comic strip, Gary Larson. The scientific name consists of the genus and species, the last two categories in the taxonomical classification of the living organism in question.

Why are names of scientists written in Latin?

A 'dead' language was needed, so that there could be no doubt about the names - there are pet names and official names for animals in most languages, so it can be hard to get a good translation from one modern language into several other modern languages. Latin was the chosen dead language because it was and is quite well known by educated people in Europe, which was the base for scientific development at the time.

Do hybrids have scientific names?

Many do, some are pending scientific names.

What was the basis of many modern European language?


What is the scientific term in Latin to animals and plants that have been declared extinct and re appear years later?

it can be called reincarnation, but there are many names for animals.

How many car names end with an a?

because most of them are Latin names..... and Latin loves the letter A :)

Why are scientific names commonly confused?

because there are so many different variations of scientific names.

What is the sciencfitic name of a spider?

The scientific name given to a spider is Arachne, which comes from the Latin word Arachne. (Many scientific names are in Latin, because it is a "dead language.")Although I saw that one of the categories was "monkey," so here is the name for a spider monkey: Ateles geoffroyi

Is the belief Friday the thirteenth has scientific basis?

No. No evidence in the scientific area. Many paranormal occurrences but no scientific evidence.

How many scientific names are there for Porcellio scaber?

220 names

What are the rules for writing scientific names?

Well there is many scientific names but you have to make sure that it make sense