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Because the latissimus dorsi origin is from the back and it inserts on the humerus. It doesn't cover the abdomen at all.

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Q: Why is latissimus dorsi not an abdominal muscle group?
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What is the muscle that is primarily targeted in a pull up?

Pull-ups primarily target the latissimus dorsi muscle group in the back, though many other muscles are involved in the movement. These assisting muscles include the brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii, teres major, deltoid muscle, infraspinatus, teres minor, rhomboids, levator scapulae, trapezius lower, trapezius middle, and pectoralis minor.

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Chin-ups, just as most exercises use a primary & secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group would be the back (or latissimus dorsi). This is what helps to give that "V" - shape in the torso area. (along with slimming down the torso area, of course) The secondary muscle group would be the biceps. Depending on your grip position, you can focus either more on your "lats", or arms.

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Chin-ups, just as most exercises use a primary & secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group would be the back (or latissimus dorsi). This is what helps to give that "V" - shape in the torso area. (along with slimming down the torso area, of course) The secondary muscle group would be the biceps. Depending on your grip position, you can focus either more on your "lats", or arms.

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Chin-ups, just as most exercises use a primary & secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group would be the back (or latissimus dorsi). This is what helps to give that "V" - shape in the torso area. (along with slimming down the torso area, of course) The secondary muscle group would be the biceps. Depending on your grip position, you can focus either more on your "lats", or arms.

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Chin-ups, just as most exercises use a primary & secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group would be the back (or latissimus dorsi). This is what helps to give that "V" - shape in the torso area. (along with slimming down the torso area, of course) The secondary muscle group would be the biceps. Depending on your grip position, you can focus either more on your "lats", or arms.

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Mainly back and bicep. Or specifically the sternal portion of the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoid, the rhomboids, the middle and lower portions of the trapezius, and the elbow flexors. It also depends on if you're doing chin ups, pull ups or lat pull ups.