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Q: Why is lead poisoning bad for California Condors?
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Is to much iron bad for you?

Yes, it can lead to blood poisoning. Which in turn can lead to dehydration, low blood sugar & fluid in the lungs.

Can you get led poisoning from a pencil?

No, modern pencils contain graphite (not lead) and therefore you cannot get lead poisoning from them. Also, yes because if you can find a pencil with lead still in it you can get lead poisioning.....(obviously)

Is ink poisoning bad?

Every type of poisoning is bad.

How many specis of condors are there?

At present,two species of condors exist in the wild. Both are endangered,one critically,the California condor.The andean condor is found in South America,and although in trouble,not nearly as bad as our native California condor.The California condor has recently been released back into the wild,and hopes are they will recover to breed,but doubtful they will ever reach past numbers.

Can you get ink poisoning if it seeps in an open wound?

You can get ink poisoning if it seeps into an open wound but this only applies to toxic inks. A vast majority of inks used in pens is non-toxic and will cause no harm.

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Arsenic poisoning can indeed lead into the death of the person. A lot of times you may get arsenic poisoning from insecticide exposure. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning includes nausea, stomach pains which is followed by circulatory collapse. If the exposure is bad enough it can lead into the destruction of red blood cells and cause kidney damage. You may also feel weak, find yourself having skin disorders, anemia, as well as disorders to your nervous system.

Does sucking on a lead pencil give you lead poisoning?

Actually, the "lead" of a pencil is not lead at all. It is actually graphite. If it were lead, you would get very sick and die from lead poisoning...and as tasty as that pencil tip may look, it probably wont taste good and you really shouldn't eat it. Nonetheless, the graphite probably wont hurt too bad even if you decide to eat it.

Will you get food poisoning if you eat bad beef?

Maybe not. It depends what made the beef "bad".

What are two illnesses caused by bad cooking?

Food poisoning and death. -

What strain of food poisoning is caused from bad hamburger?

E Coli

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no they cannnot its bad for their health

Why are batteries bad for the earth?

Batteries comprise of many toxic chemicals and elements such as lead, mercury & cadmium. If not properly disposed, these elements enter the environment and accumulate over generations causing disease, defects and poisoning.