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Because you have no help and you feel like you need a break but you never get one. Teens are also largely unskilled, so any employment they can get pays little. If they don't have relatives to take care of their child, then daycare often costs just as much, or more, than they can make. They also have very little practice with financial skills, emotional maturity, and overcoming selfishness, all of which are essential skills for a single parent.

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Q: Why is life so hard for a single teen parent?
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Related questions

How many teen pregnancies occur in a single parent home?

Growing up in a single parent household increases likelihood of teen pregnancy.

How is teen pregnancy bad for you?

Research and statistics have shown that teen mothers often quit school, live in poverty, and raise their children as a single parent. This is not good for the parent or child.

How does Bobbys experience as a teen parent differ from the way teen pregnancy and teen parenting are depicted in the media and popular culture?

If I'm thinking of the correct show, he has fun, his friends joke with him, he has a life, it's not as hard for him, and nobody's judging him like they do girls

Is being a parent easy?

there is different stages in being a parent as a baby it can be hard and there like 7 to 12 its eassy but teen years are hard so it depends.

In the state of Illinois if a custodial parent kicks a teen out is that teen required to return to the house if the parent tells them to?

I don`t think so... i think you have a choice. Your life, right?

what TWO problems children in a single-parent family may face?

They will always be missing that one parent. and also, they MIGHT (if their a teen) compare you to the other parent like "DAD WOULD LET ME GET IT!"

How many teen dads leave before or after the baby is born?

80% of all moms raise there baby as a single parent

Where does teen pregnancy happen?

Everywhere - teen pregnancy is simply when a female becomes pregnant between the ages of 13 and 19. However, "teen pregnancy" has become the short-hand version of "single teen mother who accidentally became pregnant outside of marriage" and in the United States is seen as a major social problem. Within this narrower context, teen pregnancy is more likely to occur among populations of non-white females, low income families, single parent households, and households struggling with substance abuse or financial resources. Unfortunately, the single strongest determinant of whether a person will spend their entire life living below the poverty line in the United States is if the person becomes a teen parent (both the male and the female).

How can a teen petition a court over custody agreements?

If the case involves the teen's parents and custody of the teen then she/he has no standing to petition the court. A parent must do it for the child.If the case involves the teen's parents and custody of the teen then she/he has no standing to petition the court. A parent must do it for the child.If the case involves the teen's parents and custody of the teen then she/he has no standing to petition the court. A parent must do it for the child.If the case involves the teen's parents and custody of the teen then she/he has no standing to petition the court. A parent must do it for the child.

If you are a teen parent can you still collect child support?

Yes, either from the other teen parent, or the teen's parents, which can be either the teen mother or father, depending on which has court ordered custody. Child support may not be ordered if the teen parent has joint physical custody, which is best for the child.

Why do young teen's move out in a early age from there parent's house?

Usually because they do not get along with their parents. Sometimes the teen marries early, so moves out to live with their partner. Sometimes the teen's parents are just bad parents, so it's easier for the teen to move out to have a better life.

What are some of the main causes of teen pregnancy?

I feel that the causes of teen pregnancy would be having only one parent in that child life, peer pressure, and not having one's on mind to do what supppose to be done