

Best Answer

If you mean "Why are lightbulbs not hazardus BECAUSE of radiation", then i can answer that:

Light bulbs don't contain a lot of harmful rays, it emits just enough radiation. If it were a lot more, then it could be very dangerous.

Hope it helps

<(") Skba (")>


It would help even more if you'd not confused the issue so much! Ordinary lamps radiate light and heat ONLY. The heat may present a hazard by location and surroundings, but that's the fault of the user. The bulb itself is intrinsically very safe.

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Q: Why is light bulb not hazardous source of light?
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Why is an incadescent bulb a very inefficient light source?

An incandescent light bulb is very inefficient light source because of the amount of heat energy wasted when it is energized.

What does a light bulb have to do with an electrical light source?

A light bulb is a source of electric light. In an incandescent light bulb, the glass bulb forms a protective shield around a glowing filament. The air inside the glass bulb is removed, or replaced with an inert gas. Electric current is passed through a thin metal filament (usually tungsten), which causes it to glow white hot, giving out light. The protective bulb stops the filament from burning up, as it has no Oxygen.

Is a CFL bulb natural source of light?

You do not found C.F.L. bulb in nature as such. So it is an artificial or man made source of light. It consumes very less energy. As it does not gives out heat.


Yes, a 103 volt source will light a 60 watt light bulb. The relationship of the bulb's wattage output at a lower voltage, as to the normal voltage that the bulb is rated to operate on, the light output will be lower.

Is a light bulb a soure of light?

Yes, a light bulb is a source of light. When current is going through the filament the resistance generates enough heat that the filament glows, producing light.

Related questions

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

Electricity is the source of energy in a light bulb.

Is a bulb a source of energy?

It is a source of light only.

How efficient is a light bulb?

An incandescent bulb is 96% efficient as a heater, and 4% efficient as a source of light. A fluorescent bulb is only 60% efficient as a heater, and 40% efficient as a source of light. An LED bulb is only 10-20% efficient as a heater, and 80-90% efficient as a source of light (but that light is usually unidirectionally directed... harder to do diffuse lighting with them).

Is an electric light bulb a natural or artificial source of light?


Is the light bulb considered conventional?

Yes, that is a "conventional" source of light.

What job does a bulb do in a circuit?

The bulb converts energy from the power source into light and heat. It is the load in the circuit.

Is a light blub a source of electrcity?

A light bulb is not a source of electricity. It is a device used to harness electricity to provide light.

To light up a light bulb we need to connect to a?

To light a light bulb you need to connect to a source of electricity like a battery or an electrical outlet.

Other source of heat and light?

Sun, Moon for light, Light bulb etc

Is a flashlight a source of light?

If it is working and produces light, then it is a source of light.

Is a light bulb a source of an electric current?

No. The term SOURCE means that it is a supply of electrical energy, and a light bulb does not supply electricity, it uses it. A battery, generator, fuel cell, or solar cell would be a source.

What does the light bulb in the heating lamp represent?

Heat source.