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This is a difficult question to answer as its meaning can be interpreted in many ways. Let us first understand just what mass is shall we?. Mass is physical matter of which a person or thing consists, in other words it is that substance which you or anything is made of. You and I are made up of many different things, such as flesh, blood and bone. Put together is called our mass. So when we weigh ourselves we might say my body weighs 12 stone, when in fact the correct wording is my mass weighs 12 stone. In other words your mass is being attracted by the earths gravity with a force of 12 stone.

Now after that long winded explanation back to your question. Mass is never wasted, it will always exist in one form or another, either larger or smaller than the original mass. We can and do recycle mass. Tins, bottles, paper and many other objects that we discard. Most are recycles and made into other objects which all contain mass. Even the objects that are sent to the waist dump go to make up a huge mass so that after a time when it all settles a playing field for the kiddies can be built upon it.

I hope that this has been of some use to you?

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