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math is needed in medicine because when you become a Doctor Who will have to know how much medicine you will have to inject into a person if they are really sick.

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Q: Why is math needed for a career in medicine?
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Math and pharmacy?

I actually did a Career Fair on being a Pharmacist, so I think I can help. Math is used in a pharmacist's activities in many ways. Pharmacists have to use math to figure out how much of a chemical or substance should be allowed in the medicine being created. The prescription also has to have the right amount of the drug in it. Math plays a pretty big role in Pharmacy school, but if your taking classes, don't forget Medicine or Chemistry. I love all three of these subjects, and hope to be a pharmacist.

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Isn't math most important?

Math certainly is very important, as almost every career requires a basic understanding of mathematical processes. However, the importance of math varies on how much it is needed in one's career. For an accountant, it probably can be assumed that math would be the most important subject for him/her. However, for an author or an illustrator, literature and art are probably much more important than math. It all comes down to the career and how often you use math. The importance of math is unique to everybody. ---- To some people it is. Others might say you can't talk about math without language skills. Different things are important for different purposes. You can't launch rockets with poetry or address a nation with a test tube.

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