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Q: Why is mercantilism important to know about?
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What was the most important principle of mercantilism?

The most important principle of mercantilism was to export more than you import when running a nation.

Why was mercantilism important?

Mercantilism is important to the growth of the economy. It helps to trade and supply goods and makes services easier. Mercantilism became dominant in Europe in the year 16th to 18th century.

What are the steps of mercantilism?

i don know figure it out

True or false Mercantilism was a protective British trade policy?

yes it was important

Why were the colonies important in the theory of mercantilism?

The Colonies were important because they supply Great Britain raw resources and material.

True or false mercantilism was a protective british trade route policy?

yes it was important

Why were colonies important to mercantilism?

They served as both the source of raw materials and the markets for finished goods.

What were some good things about mercantilism?

some good things about mercantilism was that they had to get together to find out some things about people. They didn'tknow what to do about those good things but they did know what to do about the bad things. And you will know more about the bad things whenever you ask the question.

How did the physiocrats feel about mercantilism?

They hated the mercantilism

Did capitalism replaced mercantilism as the economic theory?

Sort of. Mercantilism was in some ways a form of a more primitive capitalism, though important differences between the two justifies distinguishing between them and treating them separately to a limited extent.

What is a good sentence for mercantilism?

mercantilism was eventually replaced by capitalism

When colonist must sell raw materials to and buy finished products from the mother country it is know as?
