

Why is my YouTube video still uploading?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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because the video could have not been recorded right and if that happens you might have to re-do the whole video.

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Q: Why is my YouTube video still uploading?
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How do you name your YouTube video?

When you are uploading your video, as it is uploading to YouTube, there are empty boxes below the percent loaded box. There should be 'Name' or 'Title' next to one of the empty boxes, and that is where you name your YouTube video, and the Description box is right below the title box.

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Once you upload a video onto YouTube, it cannot really be edited any more. You can only add annotations to the video, add branding, and/or replace the audio of your video with pre-approved YouTube audio. If you want to trim a song (which might still get you a copyright strike), it would be best to do it in video editing software before uploading the video onto YouTube.

Will my video stay up if YouTube went into maintenance while I was uploading a video?

No you will have to re upload the video the videos you already uploaded stay there.

Does YouTube play videos or download them?

When you play a video on YouTube, you send a request to the YouTube servers to begin uploading the video file onto your computer browser. This is what allows you to watch the videos on the website.

Where can you watch Woodstock online for free?

One can watch Woodstock videos from many different online video uploading websites. Some examples of these video uploading websites include Youtube and Dailymotion.

When uploading a video to YouTube with a google account does my name show?

your name does not show but it shows your nickname

How do you put something on the internet?

You put something on the Internet by uploading it onto an online server. For instance, you can post a video on the Internet by uploading it on YouTube.

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Videos of the XF Ute can be found online from many different video uploading websites. Some examples of these video uploading websites include Youtube and DailyMotion.

How can I add a video on YouTube without going through iTunes on my iPhone?

You can add a video on YouTube without going through iTunes on your iPhone by uploading it directly via your PC.