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Q: Why is my bahia grass brown during the rainy season?
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What will eliminate Bahia grass from a lawn?

an herbicide called cimarron by Dow kills bahia. good luck.

What is mahayana grass?

I think it's actually Bahia.. I have for years thought people were saying Mahayana or Maheya. Recently I found out it was actually Bahia grass. Google that and you will find your answer. :)

Will Canada green grass choke out my existing bahia grass or will it blend in with it.?

It should blend in with it :)

What is the longest hill in the Philippines?

The longest hill in the Philippines is referred to as the Chocolate Hills. They get their name from the fact that their green grass turns brown during the dry season.

Name one plant in the savanna?

grass - it gathers what moisture it can during the rainy season and when the dry season comes, it turns brown to conserve water in it's roots until water becomes available again in the rainy season.

Will Atrazine Kill Bahaia Grass?

Yes. Products containing Atrizine should not be used on Bahia Grass.

How do you rid a Saint Augustine lawn of Bahia grass?

There is not really any weed control out there that will kill one type of grass and not the other. If you want to get rid of Bahia grass in St. Augustine, you best bet is to spray the areas of Bahia grass with Roundup (the ready to use kind with the blue sprayer). Avoid as much of the St. Augustine as you can as Roundup is non selective, and then in the bare areas left by the dead Bahia grass you can put new St. Augustine in 7 days later. If the bare areas left are not too large, you can fertilize the St. Augustine encouraging it to spread into the bare areas.

What will kill bahia grass?

Fire (never recommended) would destroy any grass above ground but would have no effect on its root system. Bahia grass grows best in sandy or dry soil, which is why it's so popular in sandy coastal regions. One of the surest ways to kill bahia grass is to drown it by keeping the soil consistently moist until it dies back.

What is the growth habit of bahia grass?

The growth habit of bahiagrass is having sandy soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. This grass has deep roots.

What Color is Grass during Summer?

In Texas, where I live, it's brown in summer.

What different types of grasses can be found in North America?

Cool Season Type Grasses: Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass, Red Fescue, Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass. Typical Transition Zone Grasses: Kentucky Bluegrass; Tall Fescue; Perennial Ryegrass; Thermal Blue; Zoysiagrass. Warm Season Type Grasses: Bahia, Bermuda Grass; Buffalo Grass; Carpet Grass; Centipede; St. Augustine Grass; Zoysiagrass

Grasses that live in climates with low rainfall have long roots What is this an example of?

There are several grasses that can grow in low rainfall climates. The examples are Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass, Buffalo grass, St. Augustine grass, Fescues and Bahia grass.