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Azithromycin (I assume you are talking about the Z-pac form) is an antibiotic, so it really should not affect blood sugar very much. However, if you are on a Z-pac, you are being treated for a bacterial infection, and this can cause blood sugar to skyrocket.

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Q: Why is my blood glucose so high while on Azithromycin?
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No. Glucose is a type of sugar and should not be taken if blood sugar is too high. This would only serve the increase blood glucose levels.

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insulin is secreted in response to high blood sugar.

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Well, a healthy level of blood glucose wouldn't be too high or too low. Instead, it would be in the middle between high and low. Unhealthy levels of blood glucose would be an extremely high number.

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The purpose of the glucose receptors is to detect blood glucose levels. The Islets of Langerhorn dispatch alpha cells to detect low blood glucose and beta cells to detect high blood glucose levels.

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Insuline and Glucagon control blood glucose. Insuline: brings down high levels of glucose. Glucagon: brings glucose levels back to normal, (brings glucose levels up).

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What is the typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose?

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Which systemic blood vessels would expect to have high glucose content immediately after eating?

The blood vessel you would expect a high glucose content in after eating is the portal system.