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probably because its scared of you touching him or her or is scared of falling down the tube like my hamster

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Q: Why is my dwarf Robo hamster siting in the tube all the time?
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Related questions

What is the slowest dwarf hamster?

Chinese dwarf hamsters are the slowest of dwarf hamsters, they are easy to handle and I would recommend to anyone who is having a first time dwarf hamster.

How many days is a robo dwarf hamster pregnant?

A Roborovski hamster is normally pregnant between 20 and 22 days. Some sources say that they can be pregnant for up to 30 days, though. Roborovski hamsters can be weaned at 21 days, and this is normally a good time to separate males and females.

Especific time that hamsters sleep and wake up or what time does your hamster sleep and wake up I have a dwarf hamster?

there is no specific time.

How many hamsters will a robo hamster have during it's first birth?

It depends. Well, I have four hamsters and three are robo hamsters and the other one is a Campbell dwarf hamster. Two of the robos are males and the other robo is a female. I put one male robo and the female robo together and they had 2 their first time. But the second litter and third litter, there were about 6-7 babies that were born. Usually the first litter is always smallest, but the most babies would probably be no more than 8 or 9, who knows, like I said, it depends. Oh and if your female is going to have babies, make sure the male is not in the cage with her or else she might get scared and eat her babies( she thinks she's protecting them).

If your brother's dwarf hamster dies what are some ideas to make him feel better?

Here are some ideas:Get him another dwarf hamsterOccupy his time with something that he really likes, that will take his mind off his hamster that diedGet him a new pet (it's OK if it's not a dwarf hamster, you'd probably want to get a pet that's lifespan is longer than a hamster)

When will a dwarf hamster give birth?

Dwarf hamsters generally have a gestation time of 18 to 30 days, 21 days being the average.

What are the friendliest hamsters?

Syrian hamsters are great for first time owners, children and many more including the elderly they are easy to handle, train and even teach them not to be nocturnal (this does take time slowly taking your hamster out 15-30 minutes earlier each night.)

Are robo hamsters vicious?

no I disagree, have you ever seen the movie screamers? it's just like that. no way! i have one and its never ever bit me, they are bred not to bite, BUT, if you want one you can pick up all the time a robo is not the hamster for you. My hamsters name is Gizmo bcuz robo's are SUPER fast!

Do dwarf hamsters like to live alone or with another hamster?

Most of the time, i have 2 Chinese dwarf hamsters kept in the same cage and they are fine, Hope This Helps

What kind of dwarf hamster is better for a first time hamster owner a Russian or a roborovski?

Russian. They are alot easier to care for and dont seem to bite much

How many babies do dwarf hamsters have at one time?

in-between 1-21, sometimes it depends on the age, if its a younger dwarf hamster then she will most likely have more around 20-ish, the older dwarf hamster, the less babies it will have!

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.