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If you just planted them, it may be transplant shock. Keep watering in the mornings.

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Q: Why is my hosta guacamole plant drooping?
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What is the German name for a hosta plant?

Hosta = Taglilie or Funkie

How can a hosta resemble its parent?

Most of the time, a hosta will have the same leaf markings as the parent plant. Some will be sports which means they are different than the parent plant. Most hosta is grown by tissue culture.

What purpose can the hosta plant be used for?

Hosta is used in shady areas where many flowers will not do well. The hosta flower is not very pretty but it does attract butterflies.

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Bird of paradise is a tropical plant. Hosta is a plant that grows from zone 3 to zone 9.

Is a hosta a house plant?

Hosta is a shade plant in the garden. However some have had great success growing them as house plants. Be very careful if you have dogs or cats because they are poisonous to pets.

How big do hastas get?

if you mean "hosta" as a plant the older they are the bigger they grow.

Does the Hosta plant have any fruits or seeds?

Hostas do produce seeds.

How deep do you plant hosta bulbs?

Hosta have roots, not a bulb. You need to look at the stem and don't dig the hole any deeper than a foot.

Are hosta plant leaves deadly to cats if eaten?

Hostas are poisonous to cats.

Where should you plant hosta?

Hostas prefer part shade. They like moisure.

Is there a hosta plant that likes full sun?

Hosta that will grow in full sun are August Moon, Blue Angel, Royal Standard, Sun Power, Venus, and Albomarginata.

What is the name of a plant that starts with the Letter H and sounds like hospice?

Maybe it is Hosta?