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If your turtle is not eating and you are giving him food pellets and fruit mix it may be due to hibernation. It also may be due to your turtle not feeling well.

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Q: Why is my turtle not eating We are feeding him food pellets and fruit mix for turtles is it because of hibernation?
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Why do red slider turtles burrow?

for hibernation.

How much do baby turtles eat?

Two or three pellets a day

Where do snakes hibernate?

Turtles that are purely aquatic do not go in to complete hibernation but go in to a semi hibernation state usually at the bottom of the pool where they may remain for long periods according to the external climate. Amphibious turtles leave the water and settle in the surrounding moist and grassy land often in burrows. Terrestrial turtles as well as aquatic ones if they are kept in well lit and heated pools or enclosures often do not hibernate but remain active feeding throughout the year. Turtles though unlike tortoises should not be allowed to hibernate in dry places as they need moisture without which they could die from dehydration. The most favored period of hibernation for turtles like tortoises is from October, when the start displaying visible signs of sluggishness and a marked decrease in appetite, to March when they come out of hibernation. Hibernation in turtles varies according to the species as well as the climate of the place from which they originate.

What is the black thing that comes out a turtles tail?

Turtle feces appears as small, black pellets. It is suspected that this is what is being asked about, due to the description.

What do stinkpot turtles eat?

In captivity stinkpots tend to favor carnivorous food items like aquatic turtle pellets, snails, earth worms, grasshoppers, crickets, ghost shrimp, small crayfish & commercial aquatic turtle pellets are taken.

Related questions

Can you put turtle pelletes in the water for them?

When feeding aquatic turtles you have to put both the turtles and the pellets in water for the turtles to be able to eat the pellets. Unlike humans, aquatic turtles have fixed tongues meaning that they can't move them. So to get the food down their throat they use water. A turtle may grab a chunk of food on land but then they will rush to the nearest water to swallow it. So yes, feed your aquatic turtles in water.

Why do red slider turtles burrow?

for hibernation.

When do yellow bellie turtles hibernate?

what months does hibernation start? Hibernation happens in winter, that's what the word means.

Why are loggerhead sea turtles endangerd?

They are endangered because of animals eating and feeding on them.

What term do you use to describe hibernation in the sea turtles?

it is called brumation

When do painted turtles emerge from winter hibernation in Pennsylvania?

in march the second week

Do turtles grow during hibernation?

No. When it begins to get cold outside, they strive to eat more and fatten themselves up... Like a bear. When they are in hibernation, their heart, lungs, metabolism, etc slows down dramatically so they can survive without food. Some captive turtles, however, don't go into hibernation because they are kept inside at a reasonable temperature. If this is the case, then they will eat, but most likely not as much as during the summer.

What do slidder turtles eat?

Little pellets you can find at a pet store.

How much do baby turtles eat?

Two or three pellets a day

Do turtles loose or gain weight during hibernation?

yes, turtles need fat to survive and t keeps them warm though summer

Is it unhealthy for a fish to eat turtle pellets?

For long term, yes. Turtle pellets are for turtles. Research your fish and their nutrition requirements thoroughly.

Are painted turtle's omniverous?

They can eat meat, but I feed my painted turtles turtle pellets