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Q: Why is oligopoly difficult to analyze?
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Proteins are much more structurally and functionally complex than DNA, as they can fold into diverse three-dimensional shapes and exhibit a wide range of functions. Additionally, proteins have post-translational modifications that further increase their complexity. Analyzing proteins often requires specialized techniques and expertise, making it more challenging than analyzing DNA.

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5 Describe the characteristics of an oligopoly market structure?

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What are the types of oligopoly?

Oligopoly is a market from where large numbers of buyers contact few sellers for the purpose of buying and selling things. The different types are a pure oligopoly, a differentiated oligopoly, a collusive oligopoly, and a non-collusive oligopoly.

What is meant by market structure?

An oligopoly is an intermediate market structure between the extremes of perfect competition and monopoly. Oligopoly firms might compete (noncooperative oligopoly) or cooperate (cooperative oligopoly) in the Marketplace.

How do you analyze complex waveform?

Using Fourier Analysis -which is too difficult to explain in this forum.