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He has tumor. This question does not relate to Men's Health.

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Q: Why is one of my dogs testicles larger than the other?
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One of your dogs testicles are hanging lower than the other is this normal?

There is nothing wrong with that at all.

Is it bad if one testicle is larger than the other 2?

No not at all but it is risky to loose the only one you have to look good after it wear briefs.

Who is nuts are bigger goats or bulls?

A bull's testicles are larger than a buck's.

What is the biggest dogs or cats?

There are some cats (lion, tigers) that are larger than dogs. MOST dogs are larger than MOST cats, but not all are.

When someone has one testicle bigger that the other means hernia?

While having one testicle that is larger than the other could signal a hernia, it might also be nothing at all. Many males find that their testicles are not exactly the same, with one being larger than the other or one hanging lower than the other.

Do big dogs require larger treats than small dogs?

Of course however as part of a balanced diet,bigger dogs need2substain larger quantities than smaller dogs

Is it weird that one of your testicles is bigger than the other one?


Do smaller dogs get colder than larger dogs?

it depends on how much fur they have. Their fur acts as an insulator, and larger dogs also have larger amounts of blood traveling their bodies, so they are able to stay warmer.

Do dogs have more hair than cats?

i would guess that the dogs larger then cats would have.

Why is one of your testicle bigger than the other one?

Almost all men have testicles of different sizes; this is completely normal. However, if one testicle is strikingly larger than the other, or if you notice any kind of change in size in either testicle, see a doctor ASAP.

Is the sun larger than the other stars?

The sun is larger than some of the other stars. There are many stars that are larger than the sun.

Is it normal for a testicle to be bigger than the other?

No, Maybe you should get that checked out. ===ANOTHER ANSWER== YES, IT is normal. The human body is not perfectly symetrical. Most guys have one testical larger than the other, just as most women have one breast a little larger than the other. As long as both testicles have decended into the scrotum, there is nothing to worry about. One side of our body is larger than the other!