

Why is oxygen useful?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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it is useful because without it we will all DIE

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Q: Why is oxygen useful?
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How is oxygen prepared using sodium peroxide?

It is made by reacting it with carbon dioxide it forms sodium carbonate and oxygen. This makes it useful in scrubbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen in submarines.

What do trees produce?

oxygen , fruit and some other leaves , stem , branches or even roots that are useful.

What is chemical formula for oxygen?

The chemical formula for oxygen is O2 and for individual oxygen atom its symbol is O. Gases such as oxygen exist as diatomic molecules.

Where does the oxygen in earths atmosphere come from?

The origin of oxygen (and other large elements) is from supernovae. On the smaller scale, the vast majority of our oxygen comes from ocean plants, from tiny algae to giant kelp. The atmospheric oxygen comes from the decomposition of water and carbon dioxide by organisms that use photosynthesis to make useful molecules in combination with the energy from sun light.

What are facts about oxygen?

The amount of iron or hemoglobin in the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, If one is deficient in iron or hemoglobin then one does not have enough oxygen thus causing tiredness. - Animals and plants require oxygen for respiration. - Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless. - Approximately 2/3 of the mass of the human body is oxygen. - The name of the element oxygen comes from the greek words that means 'acid former'. - Air is about 21% oxygen. - 9/10's of the mass of the water is oxygen. - Oxygen's atomic weight is 15.9994 - It was discovered by Jospeh Priestly and Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Oxygen comes from trees -Two mature trees provide enough oxygen for a family of four.Please see Related Link on the left.nothing other than it keeps us alive :)Oxygen is useful to the human because if we did not have Oxygen, the average human cannot surive!

Related questions

Is oxygen useful or harmful?

It is useful because we can breathe it.

What are the useful things for oxygen?

Oxygen is essential for respiration in animals and humans, as it helps produce energy for cells. It is also important in combustion reactions, such as in fire and engines. In addition, oxygen is used in various industrial processes, such as in steel production and water treatment.

How is ozone can be harmful or useful when it absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

Ozone is useful. The oxygen forms again transforms to form ozone.

Which is most useful and dangerous gas to human being?

Oxygen is the most useful gas to human beings as it is essential for respiration. Carbon monoxide is considered the most dangerous gas to humans as it can displace oxygen in the bloodstream, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be fatal.

What is the most used elements?

The most useful element is oxygen because without it we wouldn't be a able to breathe.

What useful substance in the air do human being used?


What are the useful substances the coronary artery supply?

food oxygen

What is it about oxygen that makes it useful?

it helps us breath and live

What is the most useful atom?

Every atom is useful.Example is oxygen.

What useful waste products is made in photosynthesis?

Oxygen and glucose.

Is it useful or harmful when ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

The oxygen formed in upper atmosphere is not for breathing. It forms again into ozone by natural phenomenons.

When is oxygen useful to life in what form?

It is useful to life because all living organisms need it. In a gas form.