

Why is pain important to survival?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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It is important because it lets your body know if you are doing something dangerous. For example if you put your hand in a fire your nerves send the pain to your brain which sets off a reflex to remove your hand from the fire before you do any damage to your body.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Pain is the most common symptom that brings the patient to a doctor.

Pain is often the first signal that your body gives you to tell you that something is wrong in a particular part of body, ie, some injury has been caused in a particular organ and that there is some underlying disease process going on. So, that we pay attention to that part, and some treatment can be started at an early stage of the disease and it may be preventing from progressing.

If we start adapting to pain receptors, we wont feel the pain sensation (after a particular period of time), even though the disease process may be still going on in our body. Hence the condition might be ignored by us (the pateints). But that condition will go on progressing, and we might come to know of it only at a later stage when the complications of that particular disease have developed.

Hence, non-adaptability to pain receptors is very important, as a protective mechanism by our body.

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14y ago

because they send messages to the brain telling it something is wrong. :)

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11y ago

If you could not feel pain you wouldn't be able to see if anything was wrong.

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