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well i think only people on meth would ask this question. too bad they cant answer :(

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Q: Why is phone spelled with a pH instead of an f?
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What are Ph words that sound like f?

'Sound like F' Ph WordsSome words that are spelled with a pH that sounds like an f are: pharmacyphenolphialphlebotomyphonephrasephysical

Are there F's in Greek?

no it has to be PH instead of F

How do you spell words with pH?


Why isn't 'phonics' spelled the way it sounds?

It is spelled the way it sounds. In English spelling, the digraph pH usually stands for the f sound.

How do you say phone in the US?

the pH forms an f sound, like fone

What Other ways of spelling the ffff sound in the English language?

The "f" sound can also be spelled with a "ph," as in "photograph" or "telephone."

Why is Filipino spelled with an f and Philippines spelled with a pH?

The use of "F" in "Filipino" comes from the Spanish spelling, while the use of "Ph" in "Philippines" comes from the Greek root "philos" meaning "loving" combined with "hippos" meaning "horse." The English spelling for "Philippines" follows the Latin alphabet and the Greek roots, hence the use of "Ph," whereas "Filipino" uses the Spanish spelling with an "F."

Is Joseph a German name?

Yes, but mostly with a "f" instead of "ph". Someone with this name is often called "Sepp".

What words start with pH but sound like a f?

There are many words that start with a ph, but sounds like an "f" sound. For instance: phantom, phone, philanthropy, philosophy, phlegm, phobia, phosphate, photo, physical, physics, phytoplankton

What are some things in ancient Greece that start with f?

Nothing in ancient greek starts with an "f". Tyhe Greeks had no letter "f", instead they had "phi" which is like the "pH" sound at the beginning of "philosophy". Many words begun with "pH" Love - philos fear - phobos light - photos

Why is pH used in some English words instead of f?

Generally speaking, words with ph derive from Greek, which uses the digraph phi for the f sound ( although originally it was pronounced p+h, as in up-hill or hop-house).

Why is it Filipino and not Philipino?

The term "Filipino" is derived from the name of King Philip II of Spain, who ruled during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The spelling "Filipino" is used to reflect the Spanish influence on the language and culture of the Philippines.