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Photosynthesis uses the solar energy directly when it recieves it. It does not give the solar energy to anything else.

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Q: Why is photosynthesis considered a direct use of solar energy?
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What kind of energy powers photosynthesis?

solar energy

What form of energy starts photosynthesis?

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Identify the process in which solar energy is converted to chemical energy?

solar to chemical energy is photosynthesis.... google ATP photosynthesis for more info.... solar panels also convert solar energy, but they convert it to electrical energy

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What is the term for energy from Sun?

The term for energy from the Sun is "solar energy." This is the energy that drives the water cycle and photosynthesis.

What do you call energy from the sun?

solar power/ solar energy photosynthesis is the process of turning solar energy into energy for respiration within plants

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Photosynthesis converts solar energy into which type of energy?

Chemical energy

Where did plants get their energy from?

Solar energy from the sun using photosynthesis.

What is the energy source that makes photosynthesis work?

Solar energy