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Q: Why is plate tectonic now considered to be the dominant theory in earth science?
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Why is tectonic plate movement still called the theory of plate tectonic movement?

Because a theory in everyday life is different than a theory in science. This site explains it well: look at link below.

Who is considered the father o plate tectonic theory?

alfred wegner

Why are tectonic plates considered to be a unifying theory?

it unified many of the previously isolated concepts of geology into a single theory

What is the theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around?

That would be the theory of plate tectonics.

Who is considered the father of plate tectonic theory?

Alfred Wegener is considered the father of plate tectonic theory. He proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 20th century, suggesting that continents were once connected in a supercontinent called Pangaea and have since moved apart. While his ideas were initially met with skepticism, his work paved the way for the development of the modern theory of plate tectonics.

What theory led to the plate tectonic theory?

James Hanslow

How did Gregor Mendel Contribute to science?

He was the father of modern genetics. He studied inheritance with pea plants and developed the theory of dominant and recessive traits.

Which theory makes the occurrence of pangaea possible?

The theory of plate tectonics makes the occurrence of Pangaea possible. It suggests that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large plates that move and interact with each other over time. In the case of Pangaea, these plates came together to form a supercontinent before breaking apart again.

What is another name for the plate tectonic theory?

The Theory of Plate Tectonics?

What is geographic fit evidence of?

The continental drift theory and the plate tectonic theory

What is the name of the theory that led to the development of the theory of plate tectonic?


Are plate tectonic plate boundaries?

No, plate boundaries is part of the explanation of the Plate Tectonic theory:)