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Q: Why is pope Francis known as a simple pope?
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What has Pope Francis done that is generous?

Pope Francis has forgone many of his papal vestements, instead wearing simple clothes.

How do you spell the pope's name?

Pope Francis, also known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Why did they have to name him Francis?

Pope Francis chose his name because as a cardinal, he was known to live a simple life and serve the poor and lowly. On the night he was elected he thought about his life and St. Francis of Assisi and because St. Francis also lived a simple life and served the poor, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio decided to honor St. Francis and take his name. He is the first pope with the name Francis.

What number is the current pope?

As of September 2013, Pope Francis is 76 years old.

What list pope is Pope Francis?

Pope Francis is pope number 266.

What number is after Pope Francis' name?

Since Pope Francis is the first and only pope by that name, there is no need for a number after his name. If a pope in the future also decides to take the name Francis, he will become Pope Francis II and then the original Pope Francis will become Pope Francis I.

Who is the reigning pope?

Pope Francis is the reigning pope in 2013.

What does Pope Francis think?

Only Pope Francis and God know what Pope Francis thinks.

Does Pope Francis smoke?

No, Pope Francis does not smoke.

Where is the present pope from?

Pope Francis I is from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

What is Pope Francis's successor good at?

Pope Francis has not been succeeded at the time of this answer.

What does the Sistine Chapel have to do with Pope Francis?

Pope Francis was elected pope in the Sistine Chapel.