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Q: Why is primary producers important in the ecosystem?
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How are producers related to primary consumers in ecosystem?

Answer this question… Primary consumers eat secondary consumers, which rely on producers for food.

What if there were no producers in an ecosystem?

there won`t be any primary consumers

Why each type of consumer is an important part of a ecosystem?

Primary consumers are impotant because they eat the producers if there was no primary consumers there probably wouldn't be second or third consumers

In an ecosystem plants are called?

The living parts of an ecosystem is abiotic and biotic factors

What are producers in a marine ecosystem?

Phytoplankton (microalgae), seaweeds (macroalgae) and chemoautotrophic bacteria in order of declining importance.

Why is the amount of sunlight important to the animals in an ecosystem?

The amount of sunlight is important to the organisms in an ecosystem because it affects the amount of producers. This affects them because they eat the producers.

Is phytoplankton a producer carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

They are primary producers in an estuarine ecosystem.

What is a producer's role in an ecosystem?

producers are important in an ecosystem because it produces its own food by the needs of CO2 h2o and many others its eaten by a primary consumer and recieve the energy within the plant.

The primary producers in a grassland ecosystem would most likely be?


Why are green plants important for living things?

Green plants are important because the great majority of many an ecosystem's primary producers are photosynthetic plants. Thus, green plants.

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called?

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called producers. Most plants are producers, as they manufacture organic nutrients through the process of photosynthesis.