

Why is proper development important for a child?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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To give them the best possible chance to succeed as an adult.

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Q: Why is proper development important for a child?
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I don't know why but i know it's very important. it effects how the child grows up. Treat it harsh and it will treat others harsh

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From birth onwards, the father is just as important as the mother in any child development, it will make a well balanced, contented child.

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Proper nutrition is important in the growth of a child because the growing child needs a lot of different nutrients. The child should be fed a variety of healthy foods.

Why is Awareness of Child development important?

It is very important to be aware of children's development so that you know which stages of their development they are at. Knowledge of children's development also enables you to determine whether the child as at the correct stage of development or not. It is important that you know about Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social development. E.g. you need to know the stage of physical development for a child of 7 years so that you know if they are the right height and weight.

What is an important factor in a child's development?

Love from their parents.

What is the nature of child development?

'nature' is a pretty vague term... but 1 important fact about child development is that all children develop in the various domains in a set of steps that cannot be interchanged. And they are related to the age of the child. So it is very important that if ur raising a child that u know about these steps of development. they are called as the 'milestones of development' or the 'developmental tasks'.

What are some direct influences of the family on development?

The development of a child can be hindered if the family dynamic is ignoring the child. If a person talks baby talk to a child, that is how they will talk. If the child does not get the proper medical care and checkups, illnesses could cause the child to become withdrawn.

Why it is important to work in partnership with parents to support children's development?

because parents know their child best. sharing information with parent is most important to achieve child's learning target. parents can help their child's learning development.

Why we need to study child and adoloescent development?

How people grow and learn is important to know because you can know what stage of development they are in and if they are developing at a proper pace or are behind. Children don't develop all at once and they go through stages of development. If you are trying to teach a child something before they are ready they will have a hard time learning it and become frustrated. This is not their fault because they aren't ready because the brain develops in stages. This is one reason why you need to study child development. Just knowing how your own child develops as a parent can help you understand your child and know what they can or can't do.

What is the nature of the child?

'nature' is a pretty vague term... but 1 important fact about child development is that all children develop in the various domains in a set of steps that cannot be interchanged. And they are related to the age of the child. So it is very important that if ur raising a child that u know about these steps of development. they are called as the 'milestones of development' or the 'developmental tasks'.

How is outdoor play important in the development of a child?

Outdoor play is very important in the development of a child. By playing outdoors, children get the exercise they need. Also, kids learn how to act with others while playing with others outside.

What is emotional development of the child?

Emotional development of children is a very important aspect. It should be taken care of while growing.