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Q: Why is prune juice kept in brown bottles?
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Why is silver nitrade always kept in brown glass bottles?

because it can decompose quickly if kept in transparent bottles

Why juice bottles are kept under water in cold countries?

In Cold countries, the juice bottles are placed under water to avoid freezing.The juice bottles remain in their initial temperature due to the high specific heat of water and it takes a long time for the temperature to fall 0°C.

Why must silver nitrate solution be kept in brown bottles?

Silver nitrate is very susceptible to reactions that destroy it, catalyzed by short wavelength light, which is strongly absorbed by brown bottles.

Why are some reagent bottle colored?

Some solvent or chemicals are sensitive to light, and they get oxidised when they are exposed to it.

My dicksonia tree fern has kept its fronds through the winter they are now turning brown in may do you need to prune them?

The Dicksonia tree fern will have brown fronds if they have frostbite. These fronds should be pruned in early spring before the new fronds sprout.

Why are acids kept in glass bottles not in metal bottles?

cause acid has a chemical reaction with metal.

Why potassium ferrocyanide is stored in dark coloured bottles and kept away from sunlight?

Potassium ferrocynide is stored in dark coloured bottels and kept away from sunlight.This is because it decomposes when exposed to sunlight.Thus it is always stored in amber or brown coloured bottels.

Are pet bottles ideal for vinegar packaging?

I have kept vinegar in clear PET bottles for over a year and they are doing fine.

Why is water kept in colored bottles?

There is no need to keep water in colored bottles and many people keep it in clear bottles. Some find colored bottles aesthetically pleasing and choose to use them for that reason.

Why solid potassium dichromate is kept in coloured bottles?

Perhaps it could be photosensitive?

What is in dr pepper fountain beverages?

In soft drinks, besides the carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup (and/or sugar which is better) and coloring, there is usually a flavoring agent, usually kept secret. Especially for the big names like Coke and Pepsi. Any natural or artificial flavorings are kept a secret. I have heard that Dr. Pepper's flavor is prune juice, but cannot verify this.

Why is Bradford reagent kept in amber coloured bottles?

Because it is unstable after it hit light.