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Q: Why is quorn a healthy source of protein?
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How do microbes help make quorn?

quorn is made from fungus containing protein.

Is Quorn a good source of iron Does anyone know how much iron there is in any quorn products?

Quorn does have some Iron in the product but not as much as red meats.

How do vegetarian's eat protein?

I'm a vegetarian and I get my protein from Quorn and cheese and occasionally eggs when I eat them

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Because it is a good source of protein

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protein, iron and nutrients for a healthy balanced diet

What is mycroprotein?

Mycro-fungus It is like quorn, a alternative means of getting protein in large quantities for vegetarians.

Is quorn soya?

Yes, Quorn food products are completely meatless and, on average, have a high nutritional value. One of the major advantages is that unlike most vegetarian meat substitutes, it has a high protein amount.

Does vegetarian bolognaise have protein in it?

It depends what you put in it. If you put quorn mince or some other form of mushroom in, then yes.

The protein enables the muscles to?

Protein enables your muscles to become healthier, also to build up your muscles. Protein is a good source to keep in your body to become healthy.

Can vegans eat quorn?

Yes, as they are not meat they are quorn. I used to be a vegan and whenever my family had fry ups i always had like 3 quorn dogs and some beans! QUORN products are NOT vegan, whilst the ingredients used in the Quorn range of products are vegetable in origin, all contain a small amount of egg white which is added as a binding agent to produce the firm, meat-like texture that our customers enjoy. In addition, most Quorn products contain whey protein derived from milk.

Do vegtebles cause weight loss?

Yes, Also good source of protein and fibers! Keeps you healthy!

Are wallnuts a very healthy nut to eat daily?

In moderation, yes. Walnuts are a good source of protein.