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rain water soft whilst falling,when it hits the ground or into rivers it mixes minerals etc which in in turn turn it hard some area like devon it stay soft

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Q: Why is rain water soft but river water hard?
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Is river water hard or soft water?

Rainwater is naturally soft but can be hardened when it has picks up calcium and magnesium which are the essential minerals in hard water.

How does hard water differs from soft water?

Hard water content of 2+ and 3+ mineral metal ions is high. Most common hardness is result of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in ground- or surface water. Soft water on the other hand, contains lower levels of calcium and magnesium. Rain water is soft.

What water produces more lather when soap is added?

Water is a universal solvent and is of two types soft and hard water. Water that produces more lather when soap is added is Soft Water.

What is used to determine weather water is soft or hard?

lake water is soft we have some by are cottage which we swim in the seaweed and smooth rocks help it to be soft i have to say interesting question

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hard water can be converted to soft water by boiling, filteration etc.

How does hard water differ chemically from soft water?

Hard water has more calcium than soft water does

Is drinking water in Canada hard water or soft water?

it is soft water

Why is hard water better than soft water for drinking?

Because hard water is better than soft water for drinking

Is the water hard or soft?

It depends on what area you live in whether your water is hard or soft, hope that helps :)

What is the purpose of hard and soft water?

Soft water is used in all industries and for drinking; hard water can be used in agriculture.

How can you tell the difference between hard and soft water?

soft water easily lather witth soap but hard water do not.

How many water types are their in the world?

Hard Water Raw Water Boiled Water Rain Water Snow Water Filtered Water Soft Water Reverse Osmosis De-ionized Water Distilled Water