

Why is rusting faster in winter?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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because there is more moisture in the air

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Q: Why is rusting faster in winter?
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Why is rusting of iron faster in rainy days?

rusting of iron is faster in rainy days because water is responsible for the rusting of iron i.e the presence of oxygen

Why is rusting of iron faster in rainy season?

Because of the moisture.

What makes iron go rusting faster?

iron rusts faster in presence of moisture and air.

Can rusting of iron occur in distilled water?

Yes, rusting of iron occurs in distilled water. In fact, the rusting is faster since, the ionic content in distilled water is lesser.

What causes rust on a car beside the sea?

Living in colder climates that get more snow can cause your care to rust faster. The salt that highway departments typically use on winter roads can accelerate the rusting of automobiles.

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the answer is FASTER. so it is: Jet stream moves faster in the winter. :)

What effect does salt used on roads in the winter have on rusting cars?

make it rust more

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Saltwater is a very powerful catalyst for the process of rusting.

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Yes they grow faster in the winter:)

How can a penny rust the faster?

saltwater, regular water, and vinegar can all speedup the rusting of a penny

What conditions will make iron and steel rust?

Rusting occur in iron when it reacts with oxygen and water...the less salts in the water the faster the rusting occurs...and the more percentage of oxygen the faster it rusts.

Does metal rust faster in light?

No light evaporates the water rusting the metal, not a lot but enough to make a significant difference.