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Q: Why is sales maximization better than profit?
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Why is wealth maximization a better operating goal than maximization sale?

The wealth maximization increases the net value that is current. The maximization sale involves obtaining the highest amount of sales without incurring any loses. Each, especially when used together, can be the better operating goal depending on the situation in which they are needed to be used.

What is the difference between shareholder's wealth maximization and shareholder's profit maximization?

Wealth is the accumulation of profit so it might seem that the two are maximized in the same way. But there are differences. Some examples:- Profit may be taxed. So wealth is maximized by maximizing the net of profit minus tax impacts which may occur in the future.- Increased value of an investment would add to wealth but would not show up as profit until the investment is sold.-Wealth may be obtained in ways other than profit. Receiving a gift or buying something for less than its real value may add to wealth but are not profit.-Stock buy-backs by a company produce no profit but increase stockholder wealth by driving up the value per share held.

What is profit maximizatoin?

Profit is the net total amount that comes from all revenue a firm takes in minus all costs it pays out. The goal in any business (other than non-profits) is to maximize this profit. In profit maximization, you want to take all your factors (each cost and each revenue) and figure out a way to make the profit made is greatest.

What is a positive return on capital?

A positive return on capital is a profit. When the sales of a product are greater than the cost of producing the product, the company will make a profit.

Is value maximization always ethical?

No value maximization isn't always ethical. If it costs businesses more to add value to products and it jeopardizes whether the product will be purchase, than it is not ethical, since businesses have a duty to stockholders.

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Shareholder wealth maximization is considered to be a more appropriate goal for the firm than profit maximization because?

Shareholder wealth maximization is considered to be a more appropriate goal for the firm than profit maximization

What is sales maximization model?

Term sales maximization Definition: The notion that business firms (especially those operating in the real world) are primarily motivated by the desire to achieve the greatest possible level of sales, rather than profit maximization. On a day-to-day basis, most real world firms probably do try to maximize sales rather than profit. For firms operating in relatively competitive markets, facing relative fixed prices, and relatively constant average cost, then increasing sales is bound to increase profits, too. Moreover, according to the notion of natural selection, even firms that seek to maximize sales, those that also maximize profit will remain in business.

Why is wealth maximization a better operating goal than maximization sale?

The wealth maximization increases the net value that is current. The maximization sale involves obtaining the highest amount of sales without incurring any loses. Each, especially when used together, can be the better operating goal depending on the situation in which they are needed to be used.

What are the basic objectives of financial management?

The objective of financial management is wealth maximization rather than profit maximization. Wealth maximization means the total value of the firm.

What is the purpose of volume pricing?

When a company uses a volume-pricing objective, it is seeking sales maximization within predetermined profit guidelines. A company using this objective prices a product lower than normal but expects to make up the difference with a higher sales volume.

What is the concept of maximization of shareholder wealth Why is wealth maximization better than profit maximization Wealth maximization?

The concept of maximizing share holder wealth is a goal that encompasses everything that is expected out of a management. when would share holder wealth increase? Either by dividends or by increase in value of the shares. When can a company declare dividends or when would a company's share value increase? when its profits increase, its net sales and revenue increase etc. so indirectly by trying to achieve one goal we are attaining some other goals that are very important for a company's existence.

Why is sales maximization considered an inappropriate business objective?

The primary purpose of any business is to maximize profit, or to make money. Profit is defined as:Profit = Total Revenue from Sales - Total Expenses to make those SalesIn order to make profit, a business must sell something, either be product or service. So maximizing sale is only half of the equation. You also have to minimize expenses in order to maximize profit. If you have less money left after making sales and paying all your bills, you are worse off then when you started. Therefore, profit also have to be greater than zero. (i.e. not lose money).

What is profit maximazation?

Profit Maximization is an interesting and rather deep issue in Economics. Please understand that this question can be answered from various approach and interpretation. There are other disciplines like Business and Management which offers a slightly different answer.For example, if you are a Finance student, you might use the term to maximize shareholder value. ( which can be different from this goal ). From my understanding, profit maximization alone cannot be an appropriate goal for a firm. When I teach my students, I often ask them, if each of you start a company today, will the reason to do so, just to maximize profit ?. Although many firms do aim to maximize profit in their existence, not all do so. When we say maximize profit, this means to get the most profit in the firm's existence. And there are other firms that don't. Other goals of the firm can be expansion or growth, where they focus on establishing more branches or growing larger, while other firms focus on sales maximization, where they focus on selling more. There are also other firms that put the environment or social issues as their goal. ( although this can be argued if it's a marketing ploy ). Apart from these different goals of firms, we need to understand that different firms have different goals. A small grocery shop will have a different goal than a multinational company. And a different environment can also affect the goals of the company. If the firms operates in a monopolistic environment, then profit maximization is possible, as it's the only firm. If the firm operates in a perfectly competitive environment, the goal of profit maximization is not possible, as profit can be influenced by new firms who enter the environment and old firms who exit it.

What is the diffbetween wealth maximization and profit maximization?

wealth maximization is a stratigic target of the entity , while the profit maximizations is a tactical one . the profit maximization always concern with the operational plans .... and the wealth maximization always concern with top managements plans .

What is considered a small profit margin?

Well, if you making less than 5% of the gross sales as your profit after all expenses, then you have small profit margins.

Explain how a business can earn a positive gross profit on its sales and still have a net loss?

A business can earn a positive gross profit on its sales and still have a net loss. The gross profit is simply the sales minus cost of goods sold. If the gross profit is less than expenditure, it will result into a net loss.

What are the difference between the goals of profit maximization and maximization of shareholder wealth?

The diffence in laymen's terms is all within the focus. If one is maximizing shareholder value, they are simply placing focus on what can raise value in the "short term" (increase stock price). If one is maximizing company value, they are looking from a different point of view which is usually on what you can really sell the company for, intangibles such as reputation, products in the works, workplace, etc. A person would be looking towards the future "long-term" outlook with this perspective.