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Sea ice is already in the water, so melting it doesn't affect sea levels.

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Q: Why is sea ice melt does not contribute directly to sea level?
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Where to get never melt ice in sapphire version?

Never-Melt Ice can be found in Shoal Cave at the lowest level of the cave. (There will be ice in the area.)

What would most directly cause ice caps to melt?

global warming

When ice melts what does it leave behind?

When the ice caps melt, it leaves water behind. If all the of the icecaps melt, it will rise the ocean level 20ft.

What happens to the water-level as the ice cubes melt?

It stays the same.

How is dry ice unique?

dry ice is actually solid carbon dioxide . it does not melt coz it directly sublimes into gaseous stat

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use rons deluminater to melt the ice

Does the loss of Arctic sea ice affect the way of life in Florida?

Directly it does not, because melting sea ice does not contribute to sea level rise (it is already in the ocean displacing the water). However, it tends to generate positive feedbacks that further warm the atmosphere, melting more ice that is on land which will raise sea level.

How had global warming affected people?

It will melt the ice caps and the sea level will rise.

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Why causes the water level rise when Into the bath?

because the ice at north and south pole has melt

What happens to the water level in the great lakes when floating chunks of ice melt?

nothing will happen

What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt