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Here are a couple of example, from the Torah. Exodus 20.8-20.11: Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God: you shall not do any work--you, your son or daughter, your male or female slave, or your cattle, or the stranger who is within your settlement. For in six days the LORD made the heaven and earth and seas, and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. Exodus 31.14-31.17 You shall keep the sabbath, for it is holy for you. He who profanes it shall be put to death: whoever does work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his kin. Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the LORD; whoever does work on the sabbath day shall be put to death. The Israelite people shall keep the sabbath, observing the sabbath throughout the ages as a covenant for all time: it shall be a sign for all time between Me and the people of Israel. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seven day He ceased from work and was refreshed.

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Q: Why is shabbat important to the Jewish community?
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What religion says shabbat shalom?

Shabbat shalom is a Jewish greeting which we say during the day of Shabbat. See also:More about the Jewish Shabbat

How has keeping shabbat strengthened the Jewish community?

It gives them a chance to strengthen their ties with the Torah, and with the family and wider congregation.

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To welcome the child into the Jewish community.

Where did shabbat live?

Shabbat is NOT anything living. It's the Jewish day of rest.

Why are shabbat and kashrut important to the Jewish community?

In addition to being Mitzvot, they bind the Jewish people together in time and space, and make us holy.Answer:Shabbat and kasrut are both important pillars in our fulfillment of our covenant with God. By observing the Shabbat we testify that God created the world (Exodus 20:7-10) and took us out of Egyptian slavery (Deuteronomy 5:11-14); and kashrut enables us to be a holy people (Leviticus 11:44).

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Is there a singer that sings the Jewish shabbat blessing for a child?

Anyone can sing Shabbat blessings for a child.

Why is the shabbat jewish?

Because for 3300 years the Jews have kept the Torah-tradition of Shabbat-observance.

Who participates in shabbat?

All Jews; at least those who maintain their tradition.

What is the importance of shabbat?

Shabbat is very important because it gives you a chance to rest. In Rabbinical Times, the sabbath (Shabbat) was important for everybody, because everybody worked every other day. Shabbat is also a time for connection to God, and to find spiritual meaning, as well as a time for family and friend to get together. Me, being Jewish, and many Jews find that Shabbat is a great time to go over the weeks' events and to remember who you were kind to, and who you weren't.

What is sabot?

Shabbat is the Jewish rest day - Just like the Christian Sunday. The Shabbat day is on Saturday.

When does the Jewish shabbat end?

Every Saturday at sundown