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Q: Why is shabbat so special?
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What is the special name for shabbat?

Shabbat Shabbatot

Which special ceromony do Jew familys go to during shabbat?

They go to their synagogues for Shabbat Friday night services and Shabbat Saturday morning services.

What is the name for the Jewish special day of rest and prayer?

The Sabbath day of rest is called shabbat in Hebrew.

What do the Jews do on the shabbat at home?

Shabbat dinner on Friday Evening is usually the most elaborate meal of the week. Observant Jews will light shabbat candles at home just before sunset, and begin the meal with kiddush, a special prayer and blessing over wine and bread. The bread is frequently challah, specially baked for Shabbat. If there is not a communal Shabbat kiddush luncheon in the synagogue, Shabbat lunch at home may be more ornate than the usual lunch, either with cold leftovers from dinner, or special dishes like cholent that are slow cooked overnight. At the end of Shabbat, there is a special prayer and ritual called Havdallah that divides Shabbat from the mundane days of the week. All of the Shabbat religious services can be held in the home for Jews who do not go to the synagogue for communal services.

What is the last meal of the sabbath?

There is no meal in Judaism designated as the last meal of the Sabbath. Shabbat is a time of enjoyment and plenty, and all of the meals served during Shabbat are special.

Australia impact on shabbat?

Orthodox Jews live in Australia, so they observe Shabbat, too.

Which day of the week is special worship for judaism?

The Shabbat, from Friday sundown until Saturday after twilight.

What day is shabbat?

Shabbat is the 7th day of the week, which is Saturday. All Jewish holidays start at sunset, so Shabbat starts on every Friday night and ends at Saturday night.

How do you respond if someone says Shabbat shalom?

The most polite response would be to wish the person a "Shabbat shalom" in return. It's like wishing someone a nice weekend.

What do women do during shabbat?

They prepare their children for Shabbat and light the Shabbat candles.

What does challah mean in English?

In addition to referring to the special egg bread eaten on Shabbat, חלה also means "to be sick".

What if you have to give birth on Shabbat?

If you are going to give birth on a sabbath then there is nothing you can do about it , that was the big day for you.