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The SI is a well-defined set of standards for measurement that can be checked for accuracy by various methods.

This means that all measurements can be compared with confidence: if I invent a new alloy with a particular strength, you can make that alloy and rely on the strength being the same as the value I stated.

Prior to the SI, there were several different sets of measures, and people needed to convert between them, such as converting from pounds weight to kilograms, or back the other way.

Mistakes in calculations could have dangerous outcomes, such as converting ounces to grams or grams to ounces for medicines. Get that wrong, and you would either have no effect (dose too low), or dangerous/deadly effects (dose too high).

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Q: Why is si system important in science?
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What are SI Units in a science experiment?

a system of measurement for science, industry and commerce

Why is SI units important to science?

because it shows the measurements in physical science

What is the standard system of measurement in science?

Si unit

What measument system is used in the science community?

The metric system, also known as the SI system of units, is the system most typically used in the science community.

What is SI in math subject?

SI is the system of standard units used in science. An abbreviation for Systeme Internationaland and is the basis of the metric system.

In science what does SI stand for?

ANSWER: It stands for Systeme Internationale

What is two major system of measurements in science?

A system of measurement is a set of units of measurement which can be used to specify anything which can be measured and were historically important, regulated and defined.Two major system of measurements in science are S.I baseunits and S.I derived units.

Why are si units so often in science?

SI units are more accurate than English system units

What dose SI stand for in science?

International System. (in French in the original.) a.k.a. the metric system.

What is the form of the metric system that is used in science?

That is called SI, which (in French) is short for International System.

What is the most widely used system of measurement in science?

The International System of units (SI units)

What system of measurement does science use?

The Metric system ex: centermeters, milliliters , and grams