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It is due to the availablity of "free electrons". All metals such as Copper can be considered as atomic nuclei surrounded by a "sea" of electrons which are free to move around with little resistance, which makes all metals good conductors of electricity (and heat, incidentally). In Silicon, a semiconductor, the electrons are mostly locked up into the silicon crystal lattice structure and free electrons are rare, occurring only when thermal effects release them temporarily from the lattice (leaving behind what is called a "hole"). These free electrons and holes occurring due to thermal effects are called "intrinsic carriers" and the hotter the silicon gets, the more of these intrinsic carriers there will be around. Thus with silicon and other semiconductors, electric current flows more easily (less resistance) as the material gets hotter, while the reverse is true for metals.

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Q: Why is silicon a poor electrical conductor and copper a good conductor?
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Why is silicon a good heat conductor but a poor electrical conductor?

Metals are actually good conductors of both heat and electricity... but silicon is a semi-conductor. Unlike metals, which are good electrical and heat conductors, crystalline solids such as diamond and semiconductors such as silicon are good heat conductors but poor electrical conductors. This is their nature... you can't change it :-)

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Oxygen. Carbon as diamond is a good electrical insulator, (graphite is an electrical conductor), silicon is a semiconductor so has limited electrical conductivity and aluminium is a metal and a good electrical conductor.

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Yes, copper is a good electrical conductor.

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Copper is a good conductor, that's why it is used to make electrical wire.

Is copper an insulator or a conductor?

Copper is a conductor. It is widely used in electrical wiring due to its high electrical conductivity, which allows electricity to flow through it with very little resistance.

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A *ferrous* metal is a good conductor, but not as good as copper, silver or aluminum.

Is copper a good electricity conductor?

Yea it is! That is why most of electrical wires are made of Copper!

Why is copper wire the best known conductor?

The best electrical conductor known is silver, not copper. Electrical resistivity of silver: 1,59.10-8 ohm.m Electrical resistivity of copper: 1,68.10-8 ohm.m A good electrical conductor has a very low electrical resistivity and a high electrical conductivity (the same principles for the thermal conductivity).

Why wires are made of cooper?

Electrical wires are made from copper, as copper is a good conductor of electricity.

Why is silicon a good conductor of electricity?

Silicon is a good conductor of electricity because it has a crystalline structure that allows electrons to move freely through it. It is a semiconductor, meaning it can conduct electricity under certain conditions, making it widely used in electronic devices. By adding impurities, or "doping", silicon can be tailored to be a better conductor or insulator.