

Why is slide made from smooth metals?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why is slide made from smooth metals?
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Spoons are not soft, but they are smooth. They are made out of hard metals like aluminum, steel and other metals.

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A plug in sander is usually used to smooth down metals. When smoothing down metals, apply some oil to the metal after the sanding process is finished to add some shine.

How do you get your tax no?

Slide to the left, slide to the right, criss-cross, criss-cross, cha cha real smooth

You are likely to slide on a shiny floor.why?

Some of us slide on a shiny floor because there is less. Friction on a smooth surface are a car travels faster on a smooth road. Than a rough road.

Which force will decrease if the surface of the ramp is made smoother?

Friction is the force that will decrease if the surface of the ramp is made smoother. Smooth surfaces reduce friction by allowing objects to slide more easily with less resistance.

Smooth floor no friction can a box slide?

No, a box will not be able to slide on a smooth floor with no friction. In the absence of friction, there would be no force to overcome the box's inertia and initiate its motion. Without friction, the box would remain stationary.

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They are made in ER. Smooth ER involve in that

What kind of machine is slide?

A slide is a type of playground equipment commonly found in parks and playgrounds. It typically consists of a smooth inclined surface that children can sit or stand on and slide down for fun.

What are the metals in starting blocks?

To keep it together, and so it won't be as easy to slide when you come out of them.

Can metals bend?

Yes, many metals can bend, even without being heated (eg. Copper). These are called malleable metals.

What is the difference between slide and glide?

In general usage, "slide" typically implies movement along a smooth surface, while "glide" suggests a smooth and effortless movement through the air or over a surface. Slide can also involve a more friction-based movement, whereas glide is often associated with a more graceful or elegant motion.

Does an object slide most easily on smooth surface?

No, because if you try it will pull your clothes (it is like rubber)