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Because the by product formed is an escapable gas which is CO2..

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Sodium hydrogencarbonate is preferred due to its milder alkaline nature, which reduces the risk of over-neutralizing and potential damage to the material being treated. Stronger alkalis like sodium hydroxide can be more reactive and may cause undesirable side reactions or damage to sensitive materials.

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Q: Why is sodium hydrogencarbonate used to remove acid impurities rather than a stronger alkali such as sodium hydroxide?
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What is the stronger acid hydrochloric or sodium hydroxide?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than sodium hydroxide. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid that completely dissociates in water to release hydrogen ions, while sodium hydroxide is a strong base that dissociates to release hydroxide ions. In a neutralization reaction between the two, the acid would donate a proton to the base to form water and a salt.

What is stronger sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric Acid would be the stronger acid, as Sodium Hydroxide is an alkali.

Is lithium hydroxide a acid or a alkali?

Lithium hydroxide is considered a strong alkali because it readily dissociates in water to produce hydroxide ions, which makes the solution basic. It does not act as an acid in aqueous solutions.

Is potassium hydroxide an alkali or a base?

Potassium hydroxide is both an alkali and a base. Alkali typically refers to a soluble base, and since potassium hydroxide dissolves in water to form hydroxide ions, it is considered an alkali. Additionally, as a strong base, it can accept protons from acids, making it a base.

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Potassium hydroxide is a stronger base than calcium hydroxide. This is because potassium hydroxide dissociates more completely in water to release hydroxide ions, making it more effective at accepting protons and increasing pH.

What is a hydroxide solution a acid or alkali?

A hydroxide solution is typically considered an alkali. This is because hydroxide ions (OH-) present in the solution can accept protons, leading to a basic (alkaline) pH.

What is alkali in chemistry?

An alkali is a base, a hydroxide (containing the group OH-), as sodium hydroxide - NaOH.

Is a alkali a atom?

No. An alkali is a compound: the hydroxide of al alkali metal.

Is zinc hydroxide a base or alkali?

Zinc hydroxide is a base. Bases are substances that can accept protons or donate hydroxide ions in a chemical reaction. Alkalis are typically bases that are soluble in water.

What alkali could be added to a strong acid to neutralise it?

A common alkali that can be added to a strong acid to neutralize it is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or commonly known as caustic soda. When sodium hydroxide is added to a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, a neutralization reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of water and a salt.

Can sodium hydroxide solid be called an alkali?

Yep, everything with 'hydroxide' can be called an alkali no matter its state of matter. :)

Is potassuim hydroxide a acid or alkali?

As with all hydroxides it is an alkali.