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sodium hydroxide helps break the bonds within the hair to allow it to take on the new shape, this is only one type of perm solution, there are others that contain a different formula, depending on the hair type.

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Q: Why is sodium hydroxide used in hair perms?
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There is not a term used to described sodium hydroxide. If it is mixed with another element it would be referred to as hydrolysis.

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Which 4 acids are important for industry?

Aluminum hydroxide and Ammonia, Calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Aluminum hydroxide is used in color fast fabrics and water purification. ammonia is used in cleaners and fertilizer, Calcium hydroxide is used in leather making and mortar and plaster making. sodium hydroxide is used to make soap.

How can you tell sodium hydroxide acted as a catalyst?

Sodium hydroxide anhydrous is used as a catalyst for the transesterification reactions of methanol and triglycerides.

How aresodium chloride and sodium hydroxide alike and different?

Both sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide contain sodium ions. However, sodium chloride is a compound formed by the combination of sodium and chloride ions, while sodium hydroxide is a compound formed by the combination of sodium and hydroxide ions. Additionally, sodium chloride is commonly known as table salt, while sodium hydroxide is a strong base often used in cleaning and manufacturing processes.

What alkali is used in making soap?

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, is commonly used in the saponification process to make soap.