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Simply because it's clean - it doesn't release harmful pollutants while it's generating. Fossil fuels produce a huge amount of waste products, nuclear power generates tonnes of nuclear waste which takes hundreds of years to become safe !

Wind, water and solar energies are all pollutant-free.

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5d ago

Solar energy is considered the best way to generate electricity because it is a renewable and sustainable source of energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions. It is inexhaustible and is available in abundance around the world. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops or in open spaces, making it a versatile and decentralized energy source.

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11y ago

It really depends on your definition of "eco friendly",

but -

it doesn't run out

it doesn't do much damage to the environment

its cheap..

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Q: Why is solar energy the best way to generate electricity?
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Worst to best way to generate electricity?

Worst to best way to generate electricity: 1.)Nuclear Energy 2.)Fossil Fuels 3.)Solar Energy 4.)Wind Energy 5.)Hydroelectric 6.)Geothermal Energy

What are the alternatives to generating electricity?

The best way to produce electricity is by Solar energy . Solar energy is freely available but only thing is that the implements and instruments used to generate electricity are very costly and they are not much developed. There is also a method to generate electricity ie. by geo thermal energy In this method we can do it by the heat of earth. Thankyou

What do you use to generate electricity from an interior desert?

Solar energy is best suited to desert areas with almost unlimited sunshine.

How To Use Solar Energy?

To use solar energy, you can install solar panels on your property to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. This electricity can then be stored in batteries or used directly to power your home or business. You can also consider using solar water heaters to heat water using sunlight. Make sure to consult with a professional to determine the best solar energy system for your needs.

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Solar power would be the best way to generate energy for use on Mars.

What stores what kind of energy and changes it into electrical energy?

My best guest would be Solar Energy. Solar panels collect sunlight and turn it into electricity.

Why would solar energy be a good source of energy for generating electricity?

The best source of much of world's energy is the sun's energy, which provides the earth light and heat. Solar technology directly transforms the sun's unlimited energy into electrical energy. That is why we can consider solar energy as the best source of generating electricity.

What is the best energy to generate electricity?

It really depends. Why? There are many technologies that put to use of alternative energy to generate electricity. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages to the situation as well. Currently, nuclear energy is said to be the most efficient in generating energy. However, there are many possible consequences such as leakage of radiation and so on. Similarly, solar panels are seemingly good. However, since they are not as efficient, and they require large amount of space, there is a limitation where it can go. Thus, it really depends on how u define "best", whether which generates the most electricity or which one has more advantages than disadvantages.

How does photovoltaics work to generate electricity?

Photovoltaics are best known for generating electric power using solar panels. The process uses solar cells to convert energy absorbed by the panels from the sun's UV rays and converts the energy into a flow of electrons. This is caused by photons of light that excite the electron particles into a higher state of energy, allowing them to carry a charge for an electric current.

What best describes the energy conversion that happens when solar panels are used to make electricity?

Light Energy to Electrical Energy

Does a solar panel generates electricity even if there is no sun in the sky?

Solar panels are not dependent upon the sun to shine from a cloud free sky. Solar Panels generates power on a cloudy day too. They just do not generate power at night. They do generate more power the brighter it is though. Sunlight from a clear sky is the best.

Which form of energy is best for environment?

Fossil fuels