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That it provides a healthy environment conducive to optimal growth is the way in which compost is related to plant growth.

Specifically, compost can be considered the end product of a decomposition process which yields dark, fresh, nutrient-rich matter for the soil environment in which plants grow. Nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen count among the necessary ingredients for healthy soils, soil food web members, and plants. Compost provides the nutrients in such a way that they can be taken in by plants. It also represents the source of both improved air and moisture passage through and retention by soil since it contributes to how soil holds together.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

That it works effectively as a natural fertilizer and a mulch is a reason why spreading compost is better for plant growth.

Specifically, compost can be applied above and below the ground. Below the ground it functions as a ready source of soluble nutrients whose presence aids plant growth and improves soil fertility and structure. Above the ground it may be applied as a mulch whose presence balances temperature extremes, facilitates moisture retention and obstructs weeds. As it decomposes, it will leach nutrients into the soil in beneficial ways.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Compost nourishes plants.

It's also a good idea to mix compost with the soil -- amending it -- each year before you plant.

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Compost helps a community by giving the plants food so that they grow better.

Is it better to make compost rather than buy it?

Yes, it is cheep and more healthier to make your own compost for your plants.

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Ericaceous compost is lime-free and more acidic than most composts. Tree ferns are slow growing architectural plants with spreading fronds above a thick trunk and they like eracateous compost.

Why is compost good for plants?

Compost provides a lot of benefits. It adds nutrients and beneficial microbes, and improves plant growth. It also helps reduce the need to water your plants because it helps the soil to retain water.

Can you leave dead tomato plants in the garden for compost for next year?

It is better to pull up the plants and if they are disease free put them in the compost heap. If they are diseased burn them and use the ash.

Why do you need multiple plants in each group?

The compost will be richer, and the multiplicity will help ensure a successful growth cycle.

How does compost make a difference?

Compost increases the nutrients level in the soil causing plants to grow better. It's as good as manure and fertilizer. -Super Llama

Why is it better to use compost than natural fertilizers?

because in compost there are more nutrients than a normal fertilizer and there is also food that plants like to eat

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Top soil.