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They have the same properties because they are of the same element and have the same amount of protons. They may have different masses which means they have a different number of neutrons. These species are called isotopes.

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Q: Why is that 2 atoms of fluorine have same properties but different masses?
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Do atoms have the same properties as an element?

All atoms are elements. Single (or even a "few") atoms do not have the properties of large masses of atoms.

10 kinds of isotopes and their application?

Different atoms of the same element possessing different atomic masses but having same atomic number are known as Isotopes. Since the isotopic atoms have the same atomic number, they must contain an equal number of protons. As their atomic masses are different, there must be a difference in the number of neutrons they possess. They will show similar chemical properties but their physical properties will be different due to different masses.

How do you know if two atoms are isotope?

They have the same number of protons and therefore the same chemical properties. But they have different numbers of neutrons and so the atomic masses are different and so are some physical properties.

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They have way different masses!!

Is it possible for atoms of the same chemical element to have different masses?

Yes, different isotopes of the same element have different masses.

What is the name for atoms of an element that have different masses?

An atom or element that have different masses are known as isotopes.

Do all oxygen atoms have the same properties?

If this atom is part of a compound, the properties change. I Mean, the properties of Oxygen in the molecule O2 is Different from that in compound CO2 Conc. Atoms lose their properties if they form a compound with different atoms There are three stable Isotopes of Oxygen: 16O, 17O, and 18O. Their half lives vary and so do their relative atomic masses. As a result they have slight differences in their physical properties.

What was Dalton's opinion the results of other scientists?

dalton's 6 postulates are- 1. all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms 2.atoms are indivisible particles thtical elemat cannot be divided 3.atoms of identical elements are equal in mass and chemical properties. 4.atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties. 5.atoms divide in the ratio of small whno.ole

What are different atoms of the same element that have different atomic masses?

These atoms are called isotopes and they have a different number of neutrons.

What are atoms of the same element but with different masses?

Atoms of the same element that have different masses are called isotopes of the element. The presence of different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus is responsible for the existence of isotopes of an element.

How do the masses of the atoms produced as a result of afusion reaction differ from the masses of the atoms that result from a nuclear fission reaction?

The products are very different.

Why do different elements have different properties?

Elements have different properties because elements can be further divided than atoms and can be mixed by another element