

Why is that a big balloon filled with the helium floats?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Helium is lighter than air. hence helium balloon will float in air.

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Q: Why is that a big balloon filled with the helium floats?
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Why do big balloons with helium gas floats and buoyed up?

Helium is lighter than air, hence balloons filled with helium will float and rise up.

How much can a helium balloon lift?

depends how big the helium balloon is and how many

Which gas is filled in balloon?

The gas is helium or hot air.

What is bigger than a castle and lighter than air?

A REALLY big balloon filled with helium! Really, it is less denser than air, and you can make any size if you work on it. Try to make one LOL.

What is bigger than castle and lighter than air?

A REALLY big balloon filled with helium! Really, it is less denser than air, and you can make any size if you work on it. Try to make one LOL.

Could you use helium to float an item into space?

No, air pressure increases as the balloon goes up, so the balloon will pop and fall to the ground. You can get high up in the atmosphere (but you need a LOT of helium and a balloon that can get VERY big) you will not reach "outer" space beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

Who is the artist and song that is featured in the Mountain Dew commercial which show a big balloon filled with Mountain Dew and a guy swinging into the balloon?

young the giant my body

Does the lift depend on the surface area of the hot air balloon?

Yes it does, it also depends on how big the are inside the balloon is too. because think of a chinese lantern, as this floats to the sky using the hot gas from the fire, now think of a hot air balloon in the same way :)

Is a blimp a big balloon?

yes it is a big BALLOON :^)

What is the cost to fill a helium balloon?

How big is the balloon? And what pressure do you require it to be inflated to? Greater size requires more He, thus more cost. Greater pressure requires more He, thus more cost. I have friends who launch helium-filled weather balloons, with Amateur Radio payloads. Once inflated, these balloons have a diameter of about 10 feet, and once released reach an altitude of about 90,000 feet. The cost of the helium for a balloon like this is about $60. Helium isn't cheap. Actually it's becoming scarce, and the US reserve supply, stored underground near Amarillo, TX, is lower today than it has been in the living memory of most folks. A balloon of the size that most folks are acquainted with would probably cost pennies to fill to a pressure that is less than its bursting point. Hope that helps.

How is it possible for one tank of helium fill seven hundred balloons?

it depends on the size of the balloon like if they tiny/small maybe if huge/big probably not

How much can a balloon filled with air hold?

1 balloon's worth.That's like asking "how big is a rock". Do you mean a pebble, or a bigger rock, or a big rock like a boulder, or a truly huge rock like a mountain? Actually, it's even worse than that, because with a balloon pressure becomes a factor.