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This process is mainly concern wit metal working ..... raw material for many basic mechanical industries are produced by this method

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Q: Why is the 'bulk deformation' process important commercially and technologically?
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What are the characteristics that distinguishes bulk deformation process from sheet metal process?

Bulk deformation has a low area-to-volume ratio.On the other hand, sheet metal has a high area-to-volume ratio.

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frog deformation is a process of a frog deforming. that means it changes it's shape.

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It is called desalinization or desalination.

What is hot working of metals?

Hot working of metals is defined as a process of forming metals by deformation at temperature above the recrystallization temperature.

What name is given to a bending or a buckling of the earth's crust?

This is known as a fold. The process therefore is known as folding or more technically ductile deformation.

What is the process by which the shape of a rock changes because of stress?

This is technically known as strain. If the change in shape occurs by fractures forming through the rock this is known as a brittle deformation. If however the rock deforms like a piece of clay being squashed this is known as ductile deformation.