

Why is the Amazon rainforest described as a hostile place?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because of all the dangers therein (e. Snakes)

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Q: Why is the Amazon rainforest described as a hostile place?
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Who lives in the Amazon rainforest?

many tribes that grow and live in the rain forest inhabit that place also animals and insects

Where is the most common place people cut down trees?

the amazon rainforest is the most common place

How cold does it get in the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest is an amazing place, that has a wide temperature range. The coldest is has been known to get is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

Where is deforestation in the amazon rainforest mostly taking place?

south america because needs more houses there

What is the wettest place in scotland?

Derry City with 1800mm of rain a year. The Amazon rainforest only gets 1600mm a year!

Where in the Amazon is the manioc tribe located?

the manioc tribe are located near the centre of the amazon rainforest, a place of which not many people are able to get to. they are a very strong tribe and hunt for food individually.

Is Guyana a rainforest?

No its a place there are rainforest there

What is the ecology in the Amazon rainforest?

its containment and capture of carbon dioxide.

How does the Amazon rainforest help us?

The amazon rainforest hold 70% of the world plants that have anticancer properties witch means if you have cancer the cure you could get would possibly be from the rainforest . Also lots of tribes - that have never had contact with the outside world live there and animals-that can only survive in the rainforest!