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habit destruction and deer

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Q: Why is the Baltimore Checker spot butterfly's population decreasing?
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What is solution for litracy dcreasing?

For a start, you might use a spell-checker or look up the spelling of words you don't know.

Is there any molecule which have no molecular formula but have a empirical formula?

get your question to a grammar checker. As a 13 year old i have spotted these mistakes and it is apaling to think that this stuff is actually considored english.

What is a chart that shows all possible allele combination resulting from a genetic cross?

Punnet squares show all possible allele combinations resulting from a genetic cross

Where the number for an agent?

hey this website is stupid because I'm a teen and I've already failed 2 grades so i rather go to or not cause its just people asking questions not giving you answers so don't wast your time go some where else I'm a 7th grader goinqq 2 8th i don't Evan no how to spell allot of things pulse this thing has a spell checker so I'm going to get alto of things right....

How cell deals with mutation?

Mutations can pose varying levels of danger to the cell. The reason they can be bad is because DNA produces mRNA, which is used to produce proteins. A mutation is comparable to a typo in an instruction manual; how harmful it is depends on which letter is changed in which word. Like, if the instruction book is for how to make a sandwich, and the typo turns "the" into "teh," it doesn't really affect the meaning. On the other hand, if it turns "bread" into "beard," then you have a problem. Same with mutations: they impede function by changing the protein-building instructions and causing the cell to produce a messed-up protein. Sometimes the protein is close enough in structure to the original and the cell can just roll with it,, but occasionally it changes a protein so drastically the cell can't use it at all. The danger with that depends on what a protein does. If it has the same function as a bunch of others or does something the cell an live without, it may not be dangerous. But if it happens to be the only protein a cell makes that does something, and the cell cannot live or function properly without it... then there's a pretty big problem. Cells deal with mutations by, first of all, trying their best to keep them from happening. Back to the instruction book example: We assume this book was written on a computer with a word processing program, and, like most word processing programs, it has spell check. The "the-teh" typo would have been caught and likely changed to "the", while the "bread-beard" one would not have. So the typo that most changed the meaning of the manual would have slipped by the spell checker. And that seems to be what happens with mutations. For example, some of the most dangerous diseases come from a one-base change in the DNA code. For some reason, DNA's built-in spell checker doesn't catch it, although it will catch almost anything else. Odd thing is, though, that if any other nucleotide in the code for the protein that ends up messed up and causes the disease had been changed, the protein would have been fine and the disease wouldn't happen.

Related questions

Why is the Baltimore checker spot butterfly decreasing?

i dont care, deer and habitat distruction j

What eats the Baltimore checker spots?

The Baltimore Orioles do.

What eats the checker spot butterfly?

Baltimore orioles, snakes

How long can Baltimore checkerspots live?

How long does a single checker spot butterfly live

When did Baltimore checker spot become state butterfly?

it became states insect in 1973 (i researched on this I'm in 6 th grade.) bye

What nicknames does Chubby Checker go by?

Chubby Checker goes by Checker (NOT Chubby).

What kind of habitat does the Baltimore checker spot l ive in?

Marshlands most likely otherwise swampy areas, Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly does like to eat and lay her eggs on the Whiteturtle Head plant and it likes to suck out all of the nectar out of the milkweed plant. Wherever those plants are you are sure to find a Baltimore Checkerspot there!

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The only "prize" you get from the fame checker is mail you receive via the fame checker from each person in the checker that's it.

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When was Checker Superba created?

Checker Superba was created in 1961.

When was Checker Model A created?

Checker Model A was created in 1939.